公司长期致力于密封、摩擦及热传导等关键技术的研究,拥有多项技术专利,公司产品种类丰富,可根据客户自身需求进行定制化的改造服务;产品使用反馈优良,特别在纸机改造项目效果显著,不仅使得产量大幅提高,更能大幅度节省蒸汽用量,极大的节约成本;客户项目投资小、回报率高、成本回收周期短,满足客户多方面需求。 公司牢牢立足以品质赢得信赖的发展理念,始终秉持务实、创新、开拓、进取的企业精神,强力助推杭旋科技有限公司砥砺前行,朝着争创国内一流企业的发展目标稳健迈进,开拓奋进的“杭旋科技”正成为业内冉冉升起的一颗璀璨新星。 展望未来,杭旋公司将会继续加强技术创新、科学管理的战略方针,将以更加饱满的热情为每一个客户提供精湛的技术及优质的服务,杭州杭旋科技有限公司愿与您携手共进、共赢同享、开创未来。
Hangzhou Hangxuan Technology Co., Ltd. is a hightech enterprise that develops, produces and sells rotary joints, traps, metering rods, automation instruments, nonstandard industrial automation equipment and related products. The company has long been committed to the research of sealing, friction, heat conduction and automation technology, and has a number of technical patents. It has established good cooperative relations with hundreds of customers in the industry at home and abroad. The customer's project investment is small, the rate of return is high, and the cost recovery cycle is short, which meets the needs of customers in many aspects. Hangzhou Hangxuan Technology Co., Ltd. will be "quality first, service first" for the purpose, will be full of enthusiasm to provide every customer with superb technology and quality service, Hangzhou Hangxuan Technology Co., Ltd. is willing to work with you hand in hand, win-win sharing, create the future.